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Deprecated Terms

The DMCA was written in 1998, and the Internet has changed a lot since then. Find out why the old terms struggle to remain relevant.

Takedowns of Legitimate Files

A particular video or song may not be an act of piracy at all, but the DMCA has the ability to take it down anyway.

Failure of the Safe Harbor Provisions

In theory, the safe harbor provisions give immunity to a host for their users' infringing content. However, this isn't always how it goes.

Counterargument: Excessive Legal Power

The DMCA is a law concerning copyright, but it isn't actually a part of the formal copyright law system, giving it powers that it shouldn't have.

Counterargument: Flaws in the Lost Sale Doctrine

Producers and artists justify the DMCA's existence by citing lost sales, but how many of those sales really would have happened?

Now that you know exactly why the DMCA doesn't work, read on to view an alternative to the law.

FInd out why the DMCA is a poor solution to the piracy problem.


Click the links below to examine reasons why the DMCA doesn't really work out as planned.

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